Matthew Pateman Matthew Pateman

Ruby On Rails

Last year I took part on a Ruby on Rails programming course and as a final project the aim was to build a very basic Twitter replica.


Yes, this is one of my very first ever blog post. Last year I started a Ruby On Rails programming course at General Assembly in London. In my previous jobs I worked with many languages including PHP but after researching the web on frameworks which allow developers to build very quick prototype web-apps on a scalable framework I came across Ruby On Rails.

The overall objective was to build a replica of Twitter (in it's early days prior to the launch of Retweets and AJAX functionality) as it itself was build as a Rails app, which was then scaled up with it's significantly growing users.

The final app was deployed on heroku using git and can be accessed here.

I recommend everybody to give Ruby on Rails a shot, even if you sign up to a teaching program on Skillshare or follow the Ruby track on Codecademy. 8 weeks before the course I would not have thought I would be able to build and deploy a web-app so for those of us who want to make a very simple web-app idea happen really has to test, then Rails is a great platform to work with.

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