My approach to design and research
In most companies my role as a researcher was to understand the users needs to a particular problem and identify the right solution to address this problem.
Generative and exploratory Research
Ethnography and contextual enquiry
Diary studies and experience sampling
Persona Generation
Interviews (one-on-one, semi-structured)
Co-Design and Co-Creation Workshops
“Research in the wild!”
A lot of my research is done during field trips outside of the lab in order to better understand users’ actual behaviours and the contexts in which products are being used.
Evaluative Research
Usability testing (remote and lab)
Situated research studies
Research in-situ
I enjoy taking products out of the lab and testing them within the context in which they would actually be used.
Presentation and Communication
Presentation types include
Keynote / slide presentations
UXR reports